IT Technical Requests

Equipment Purchase Requests, Hardware, Software, Network, WiFi, Phones, Servers/Backend/Storage, Move Requests.

Service Request: Asking for a service to be performed.
Incident: Something is broken, an error or not working correctly.

Services (8)

Tech Support Request (Incident)

Computers/Laptops, Displays, Printers, Scanners, iPhones, iPads, Vocera, Software, MModal, Email, Applications (other than Epic), Network, Phones, Servers/Backend/Storage Requests.

Purchase New Equipment Request

Purchase new IT equipment request.

Verizon Cellular Service Request

Please use this service for Mobile Devices that use Cellular Service.

Move Equipment Service Request

Request service for an IT equipment move.

Server/Backend/Storage Request

Request service for server/backend/storage.

Affiliate LWS Record Request

For Covenant Affiliates needing an LWS record to be created, updated or removed for Epic printing to a specific device.

Affiliate Epic Printer (LWS) Add/Update

Service for Covenant Affiliates to add a new printer build to LWS or change an existing printer build in LWS.


This service is unique to Mary Free Bed for their BCA devices ONLY.